100+ Prepper Acronyms and What They Mean

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (WTF), representing Prepper Acronyms and what they mean

Decoding the language of preparedness.

Preppers have a language all their own, filled with acronyms that can be confusing for beginners. Whether you’re new to prepping or just need a refresher, this guide breaks down 100+ essential prepper acronyms and what they mean.

Prepper Acronyms List

2A – Second Amendment
Refers to the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which protects the right to bear arms.

ABAO – All Bets Are Off
A phrase indicating that normal rules or expectations no longer apply in a crisis.

ABC – Airway, Breathing, Circulation
The first steps of CPR, focusing on ensuring the airway is clear, breathing is restored, and blood circulation is maintained.

ACE – Advanced Combat Equipment
High-quality gear designed for combat or survival situations.

ALICE – All-Purpose Lightweight Individual Carrying Equipment
A type of modular gear system used for carrying equipment, often used by military and preppers.

ALICE – Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate
A protocol for responding to active shooter or emergency situations.

APR – Air-Purifying Respirator
A device that filters harmful particles from the air, used in chemical or biological emergencies.

ASAP – As Soon As Possible
A common phrase emphasizing urgency in completing a task or responding to a situation.

ATV – All-Terrain Vehicle
A vehicle designed for off-road travel, often used in bug-out scenarios.

BAT – Basic Aid Training
Fundamental training in first aid and medical care for emergencies.

BLUF – Bottom Line Up Front
A communication strategy that prioritizes the most important information first.

BOL – Bug Out Location
A pre-determined safe location to retreat to during a disaster, often stocked with supplies.

BOB – Bug Out Bag
A portable kit containing essential items for survival during an emergency evacuation.

BOV – Bug Out Vehicle
A vehicle prepared for emergency evacuation, often equipped with supplies and off-road capabilities.

CASEVAC – Casualty Evacuation
The process of evacuating injured individuals from a disaster or combat zone.

CB – Citizen Band Radio
A short-distance radio communication system often used by preppers and truckers.

CBRN – Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear
Refers to threats or protective measures against these types of hazards.

CAT – Combat Application Tourniquet
A medical device used to stop severe bleeding in emergencies.

CCW – Concealed Carry Weapon
A firearm carried discreetly for personal protection.

CDC – Centers for Disease Control
The U.S. agency responsible for public health and disease prevention.

CERT – Community Emergency Response Team
A group of trained volunteers who assist during disasters.

CME – Coronal Mass Ejection
A solar event that can disrupt electronics and power grids on Earth.

COMSEC – Communications Security
Practices to protect sensitive communication from interception.

CONUS – Continental United States
Refers to the 48 contiguous states and Washington, D.C.

CPR – Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
A life-saving technique used to restore breathing and circulation in emergencies.

E&E – Escape and Evasion
Techniques for avoiding capture and escaping dangerous situations.

EARS – Emergency Alert Response System
A system for broadcasting emergency alerts and information.

EDC – Everyday Carry
Items you carry with you daily for survival or utility, such as a knife or flashlight.

ELE – Extinction Level Event
A catastrophic event that could threaten the survival of humanity.

EMP – Electromagnetic Pulse
A burst of electromagnetic energy that can disable electronic devices and infrastructure.

EOTW – End of the World
A term for a catastrophic, world-changing event.

ETA – Estimated Time of Arrival
The expected time someone or something will arrive at a destination.

FAK – First Aid Kit
A collection of medical supplies for treating injuries and illnesses.

FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization
A United Nations agency focused on food security and agriculture.

FEMA – Federal Emergency Management Agency
The U.S. agency responsible for response, preparedness, and producing public information about disasters.

FEP – Family Emergency Plan
A pre-determined plan for how a family will respond to and communicate during a disaster.

FIFO – First In, First Out
A method for rotating supplies to ensure older items are used first.

FOB – Forward Operating Base
A secured military position used to support operations.

FUBAR – F***ed Up Beyond All Recognition
A slang term for a situation that has gone terribly wrong.

FUD – Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt
A tactic used to create anxiety or hesitation, often in decision-making.

G2G – Good to Go
A phrase indicating readiness or approval.

GHB – Get Home Bag
A smaller version of a bug-out bag, designed to help you get home during an emergency.

GMO – Genetically Modified Organism
A term for organisms whose genetic material has been altered, often discussed in food security contexts.

GOOD – Get Out of Dodge
A phrase meaning to evacuate quickly in an emergency.

GPS – Global Positioning System
A satellite-based navigation system used for location tracking.

HAM – Amateur Radio
Refers to amateur radio operators and equipment used for communication.

HUMINT – Human Intelligence
Intelligence gathered through human sources rather than technology.

ICE – In Case of Emergency
A designation for emergency contacts in your phone or documents.

IED – Improvised Explosive Device
A homemade bomb often used in combat or terrorist situations.

IFAK – Individual First Aid Kit
A compact first aid kit designed for personal use in emergencies.

INCH – I’m Never Coming Home
A term for a situation where evacuation is permanent, often requiring long-term survival skills.

JIC – Just In Case
A phrase emphasizing preparedness for unexpected events.

KISS – Keep It Simple, Stupid
A principle advocating simplicity in planning and execution.

LDS – Latter-Day Saints
Known in prepper circles for their extensive church preparedness guides and emphasis on self-reliance.

LEO – Law Enforcement Officer
A police officer or other law enforcement professional.

LOS – Line of Sight
A direct, unobstructed path between two points, often used in communication or navigation.

LRP – Long-Range Patrol
A military term for extended reconnaissance missions, often referenced in survival contexts.

LTS – Long-Term Survival
Strategies and preparations for surviving extended periods in a disaster scenario.

LZ – Landing Zone
A designated area for aircraft to land, often used in evacuation scenarios.

MAG – Mutual Aid Group or Mutual Assistance Group
A community-based group that pools resources and skills for mutual support during emergencies.

MASH – Mobile Army Surgical Hospital
A field hospital used by the military, often referenced in survival contexts.

MOLLE – Modular Lightweight Load-Carrying Equipment (pronounced “Molly”)
A system of webbing and pouches used to organize and carry gear.

MRE – Meal, Ready-to-Eat
Self-contained, pre-packaged meals used by the military and preppers.

NBC – Nuclear, Biological, Chemical
Refers to threats or protective measures against these types of hazards.

NCO – Non-Commissioned Officer
A military rank, often referenced in survival and tactical contexts.

NOAA – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The U.S. agency responsible for weather forecasting and environmental monitoring.

NVGs – Night Vision Goggles
Equipment used to see in low-light or nighttime conditions.

OP – Observation Post
A position used to monitor activity or threats in a specific area.

OPSEC – Operational Security
Practices to protect sensitive information and plans.

OTC – Over the Counter
Refers to medications or supplies available without a prescription.

OTG – Off the Grid
Living or operating independently of public utilities and infrastructure.

PACE – Primary, Alternate, Contingency, Emergency
A communication plan outlining multiple methods for staying connected.

PASS – Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep
A method for using a fire extinguisher: Pull the pin, Aim at the base of the fire, Squeeze the handle, and Sweep from side to side.

PMA – Positive Mental Attitude
A mindset emphasizing optimism and resilience in survival situations.

PPE – Personal Protective Equipment
Gear used to protect against hazards, such as gloves, masks, or goggles.

PREPPER – Prepare, Respond, Evaluate, Pack, Plan, Envision, Remember
A mnemonic for the key principles of prepping.

PSK – Personal Survival Kit
A compact kit containing essential survival items for individuals.

PTB – The Powers That Be
A term for those in authority or control, often used in discussions about societal collapse.

PTSD – Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
A mental health condition triggered by traumatic events.

QRF – Quick Reaction Force
A team prepared to respond rapidly to emergencies or threats.

RAD – Roentgen Absorbed Dose
A unit for measuring exposure to radiation.

RAT – Rapid Application Tourniquet
A device used to quickly stop severe bleeding in emergencies.

RICE – Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
A first aid acronym for treating sprains and strains.

ROE – Rules of Engagement
Guidelines for when and how force can be used in a conflict.

SAMPLE – Signs and Symptoms, Age, Allergies, Medications, Past History, Last Oral Intake, Events
A first aid acronym for gathering information from a patient or victim.

SAR – Search and Rescue
Operations to locate and assist people in distress.

SERE – Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape
A military training program focused on survival skills and escaping hostile territory.

SHTF – Sh*t Hits The Fan
A general term for a catastrophic event or societal collapse.

SIP – Shelter in Place
A strategy of staying indoors and securing your location during a disaster.

SNAFU – Situation Normal, All F***ed Up
A slang term that originated in the military for a chaotic or dysfunctional situation.

SOL – Sh*t Outta Luck
A phrase indicating a hopeless or dire situation.

SOP – Standard Operating Procedure
Established methods for handling routine or emergency tasks.

SOS – Save Our Ship
A universal distress signal used in emergencies.

SPORTS – Slap, Pull, Observe, Release, Tap, Squeeze
A military acronym for clearing a jammed firearm.

STOP – Stop, Take a Step Back, Observe, Proceed Mindfully
A mental health tool for managing stress and making clear decisions.

SURVIVAL – Size Up, Use Senses, Remember Where You Are, Vanquish Fear, Improvise, Value Living, Act Like Natives, Live by Wits
A mnemonic from the U.S. Army Survival Manual for key survival principles.

TCCC – Tactical Combat Casualty Care
Medical protocols for treating injuries in combat or survival situations.

TEOTWAWKI – The End of the World as We Know It
A term for a catastrophic, world-changing event.

TP – Toilet Paper
A critical hygiene item often overlooked in prepping.

USAR – Urban Search and Rescue
Operations to locate and assist people in urban disaster zones.

WB – Weather Band
A radio frequency used for broadcasting weather alerts.

WMD – Weapon of Mass Destruction
Refers to nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons.

WROL – Without Rule of Law
A scenario where societal order has broken down.

WTSHTF – When The Sh*t Hits The Fan
A term for a sudden, urgent situation requiring immediate action.

WUSH – Wake Up, Sh*t’s Happening
A term for a sudden, urgent situation requiring immediate action.

YOYO – You’re On Your Own
A phrase emphasizing self-reliance in survival situations.

Why This List Matters

Understanding these acronyms is key to navigating the prepper community and resources. Whether you’re reading forums, watching videos, or planning your own preparedness strategy, this guide will help you speak the language like a pro.

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